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Basit İngilizce Diyaloglar: Günlük Konuşma İçin Karşılıklı Örnekler

1. Tanışma (Introducing)

**Diyalog 1:**

- **A:** Hi, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you!

- **B:** Hello Sarah, I'm Tom. Pleasure to meet you too!

2. Günlük Sohbet (Everyday Conversation)

**Diyalog 2:**

- **A:** How are you today?

- **B:** I'm good, thanks. And you?

- **A:** I'm great, thanks for asking.

3. Restoranda Sipariş Verme (Ordering at a Restaurant)

**Diyalog 3:**

- **A:** Hi, can I take your order?

- **B:** Yes, I'd like a burger and fries, please.

- **A:** Sure, would you like anything to drink with that?

- **B:** Just water, please.

4. Yol Tarifi (Asking for Directions)

**Diyalog 4:**

- **A:** Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the museum?

- **B:** Of course, go straight ahead and take the first left. It's on your right after the park.

5. Alışveriş Yapma (Shopping)

**Diyalog 5:**

- **A:** How much is this shirt?

- **B:** It's $20.

- **A:** Okay, I'll take it.

6. Randevu Ayarlama (Making Plans)

**Diyalog 6:**

- **A:** Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow?

- **B:** Sure, what time?

- **A:** How about 7 PM?

7. Teşekkür Etme (Thanking)

**Diyalog 7:**

- **A:** Thank you for your help!

- **B:** You're welcome, anytime.

8. Veda (Saying Goodbye)

**Diyalog 8:**

- **A:** It was nice talking to you. Goodbye!

- **B:** Goodbye, take care!

Bu diyaloglar, günlük hayatta sıkça karşılaşılan durumlar için basit ve kullanışlı İngilizce konuşma örnekleridir. Bu tür diyaloglarla pratik yaparak İngilizce konuşma becerilerini geliştirmek mümkündür.

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